Maintaining Volkswagen Standards

As a Volkswagen approved bodyshop we are fully equipped to Volkswagen standards, thereby ensuring the continued quality and safety of your car. Our technicians undergo comprehensive training programs and are highly skilled. We continually invest in state-of-the-art equipment and use only genuine parts, paint and materials in our repairs.

Visit our Volkswagen webpage

Your opinion matters

We would love to hear your thoughts on our service. Shortly after your vehicle is returned to you, Volkswagen will send a short customer survey invitation to you by email and we would be most grateful if you would complete this for us. Please watch out for it in your email inbox (and check your spam/junk folder just in case it’s in there). Thank you.

Volkswagen Repair Guarantee

All our repairs are carried out in line with Volkswagen factory repair methods, using Volkswagen trained technicians and Volkswagen genuine parts. The repairs to your vehicle are backed by the Volkswagen Repair Authenticity Guarantee to give you peace of mind that your car was repaired to Volkswagen standards. Your guarantee will be sent to you by email soon after the repairs are completed.

After your vehicle has left Poole ARC, remember to maintain it to the standards outlined in the driver’s handbook. We are very happy to offer advice and can supply quality products to help you keep your vehicle in peak condition.

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